
We believe in a brighter future


More Needs to Be

Over 250,000 hate crime incidents are estimated to occur every year in our country and are particularly commonplace in schools. It will take concentrated effort and thoughtful action to confront hatred and
intolerance in our schools, our homes, our work sites, our gathering places and our faith communities. 

Blount County United and its partners across the county are working hard to identify the warning signs of hatred brewing in the area and collaborate with officials, law enforcement officers, and schools and to counteract it. We are committed to building a stronger and more united community where people of all backgrounds can safely work, congregate, worship, and play without fear.


BCU on

We are very disappointed by the recent federal decision regarding the Deferred Action of Childhood Arrival (DACA) program. This change in federal policy is contrary to our commitment to the Beloved Community, and we feel that the Dreamers, all young people brought to the United States as children are part of that community.

We believe that these young people deserve to live lives free from the fear of deportation from the country where they have lived the vast majority of their lives. We recognize all the outstanding contributions they have made and will make to our community and our country, and we call on ourselves, our community, and our governments to stand with them.


Take a look at our

Ways to Work Against Racism

One more blog post example that will show on the blog page when published.

Non-Racist vs Anti-Racist

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